Demonstrations are the easiest way to really show you the quality of service we provide. Scroll down to view examples of our DJ, Videography and Complete Wedding Photography services.
These compilation videos are of our DJ's performing at various wedding receptions and showcases the high caliber of service you can expect from Direct Entertainment.
As you can see in the videos, all of our DJ's are certified MC's with professional grade equipment. They also work with your other vendors to ensure your wedding reception goes exactly how you envision.
Call us at (800) 217-1950 or Send Us an Email with any questions, or to book one of our professional DJ's for your wedding reception.
Save An Additional $100 By Booking Any Two Of Our Services, $200 By Reserving Three, And Save A Whopping $300 Off Our Already Discounted Prices When You Reserve All Four!! (Photo, DJ, Video and Photo Booth)
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